COLOR RUNS OUR WORLD is an American apparel company founded in Atlanta, Georgia, for socially conscious, fashion-forward consumers.

Color has always been a powerful tool in the hands of artists, a language of its own that transcends barriers and speaks directly to the soul. In art, color theory creates harmony, contrast, and mood, crafting masterpieces that evoke emotions and tell profound stories. Artists use color to bring balance and beauty, to unite diverse elements into a cohesive whole. This is the divine intent of color—its purpose is to enrich, inspire, and foster a sense of unity and peace.

Yet, in society, the same tool that creates harmony in art has been weaponized to sow division and discord. Racism, with its deep-rooted tones, uses color to segregate and oppress, creating artificial boundaries between people based on the hue of their skin. This perversion of color goes against the very essence of what it was meant to represent. Instead of fostering understanding and connection, color in the societal context has been twisted to justify inequality and perpetuate injustice.

From the stark contrast of black and white in racial segregation to the subtle shades of prejudice that people of various ethnicities face, the misuse of color in society is evident. The historical context of slavery, Jim Crow laws, redlining, and the ongoing struggles against systemic racism are all rooted in this divisive application of color. These practices not only dehumanize individuals but also contradict the universal truth that all humans are created equal, a principle upheld by every major religion and moral philosophy.

God's intent for color was to create harmony, a symphony of diverse hues that together form the beauty of our world. In nature, we see this divine harmony in the vibrant palette of a sunset, the rich diversity of a forest, and the myriad of colors in the animal kingdom. Each color contributes to the overall beauty and balance, illustrating a world where diversity is celebrated and differences enhance rather than detract.

When society uses color to divide, it not only defies God's intent but also diminishes the collective potential of humanity. The artificial divisions based on color lead to conflict, suffering, and a loss of shared human experience. It is imperative to recognize this misuse and strive towards a society where color, like in art, is used to create harmony and unity.

Color Runs Our World (CROW) seeks to challenge these divisive norms by using art and fashion to tell the true stories of our shared history. Through powerful imagery and meaningful designs, we aim to reclaim the narrative and highlight the beauty of diversity. Our mission is to celebrate and uncover uncomfortable Black stories that have been overlooked or suppressed, using them to educate, inspire, and unite people across all backgrounds. By bringing critical race theory and the realities of Black history to the streets via fashion, we break down the barriers that have been artificially constructed by societal misuse of color.

By understanding and embracing the true purpose of color, we can begin to heal the divisions and create a world that reflects the harmonious vision intended for us. Let us use color as artists do—in the pursuit of beauty, unity, and understanding. By celebrating the rich tapestry of Black experiences and confronting the uncomfortable truths of our past, we can turn away from the historical misuse of color that has caused so much pain and instead paint a future that elevates and unites us all.

inspired by the TWISTED events of American history.